Sunday, August 16, 2009


Okay, so haven't posted in a week as it would have been nothing but grumbling and complaining. Something I call venting most reference as b*+ching. Anyway, had my monthly menses last week, late, and it simply wreaked havoc. I seriously had NO clue that it would affect a diet so strongly as I've never really noticed a gain each month, then again the scale hasn't always been my best friend. For 5 days the scale showed no weight loss. Okay, so it registered a half pound but nothing significant. At least nothing compared to most folks on their first week on this diet. MOST people have lost around 10 pounds their first week, I finished the week at 3 lbs even. Yes, I know a decent loss for most diets, but this isn't the normal diet either. Even more frustrating were all the goodies brought into work that I had to turn down. Bagels w/cream cheese(a fave), birthday cake, donuts, ice cream etc. Yet still no reflection of my sacrifices on the scale. But I digress, I got on the scale this morning and I was down an additional 2lbs! Maybe this week is going to make up for a sluggish beginning. It's really weird and feels almost obsessive weighing each day. Goes against everything we've ever been told much like the diet itself. No wonder it's so controversial. We're told to eat breakfast every day but the diet says to skip it. We're told that in order to lose weight we must work out this diet says it's not necessary can even be detrimental as it can cause the muscle to hold onto water weight.
Oh, also wanted to note that I really am not hungry on this diet! The afore mentioned 'sacrifices' were of the forbidden fruit variety, not hunger. It's really rather amazing just how much food there is on the plate. And I'm still feeling pretty energized. Think my body likes getting rid of all the toxins that are in the daily diet of the average american. White bread, pasta, and potato chips are beginning to look a bit poisonous to me(lol) Guess we'll see how it all evolves in a few weeks when I go off the diet and begin stabilization.
ETA, forgot to also mention that it has now been 14 days since my last cigarette! I even managed to visit a friend and their smoking family for a few hours without needing a smoke. YEAH, go me!!!(lol)


  1. Congratulations on not smoking for two weeks! Quitting smoking and starting a weightloss program can be very challenging all at the same time!

    On another note I'm surprised that didn't wait to start the hcg until after your monthly menses had ended. My doctor told me not to start until I ended for the month.

  2. You go girl! I quit smoking a month ago myself, not an easy task but it does get easier! You are very brave at tackling the diet and the smoking cessation all at once! Good luck you you!


    winner winner!! :)
